Original Research Article
May 29, 2015
Sheeraz Ahmed & Shaila Mehmood
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902186
In order to achieve sustainability we should incorporate moral values and ethics into the
Management Education .The teaching of moral and ethical values that differentiate right action from
wrong action and which makes us a perfect man should be the goal of sustainable management
Education. Profit is essential for the growth of business enterprise. It is regarded as good measure of
efficiency; however, it should be seen in value based context also. Management Education, which is
based upon Values, will be an instrument which not only provides a professional knowledge of
management but also a purpose in life.The societies across the globe are more integrated than ever
before due to Globalization which results into free flow of trade and merchandise.There is a problem
of difference in value’s in countries but still there are some common shared values, those values
should be identified an incorporated in national legislation and management teaching. Every year
thousands of professionals including those who are practicing management comes to India in order to
be truly guided by the Indian values and learning. One such person was APPLE’s founder Steve Job.
Efficient Management is Essentials for Prosperity of Society .Management Education for
sustainability should ensure an environmentally sound and economically prosperous future
Original Research Article
May 24, 2015
Vivek Kaushik
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902198
The present study was an attempt to find out the attitude of teacher educators towards
in-service teacher education programmes. Investigator was focused to search the difference in
attitude on the subject in question, between teacher educators serving in govt. / govt. aided
Institutions and private/ self- financed organizations. A tool was developed by the investigator
to measure the attitude of teachers towards in –service teacher education. 65- Teachers of B.
Ed from both types of institutions were selected randomly for the study. The study reveals that
both types of teachers had favorable and positive attitude towards in-service teacher
education and gender did not play any role in respect of the variable in question
Original Research Article
May 27, 2015
Mr. Vipin Thareja
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902232
The economic development of any country depends on the amount of investment in a nation’s
output of goods and services. The financial system provides a mechanism by which savings are
converted into investments. The financial system of any country consists of specialized and non
specialized financial institutions of financial markets which facilitate the transfer of funds through
financial instruments and services. Capital market is the market which diversifies the funds for
economic development of the country. This paper describes the role of capital market in Indian
economy with its historical background along with significance in pre-independence and postindependence
growth. This will help the readers to know importance of capital market and
understanding the historical perspective of capital market
Original Research Article
May 28, 2015
Baria Ela T.
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902320
In the post-independence era, urbanization in the wake of large-scale industrialization has
brought about wide spread environmental degradation. Industries sprang up all over Gujarat in the
sixties in an unplanned fashion which uprooted hundreds of small and marginal framers following
land acquisition. "The plight of the land losers", according to the HPC, "has been aggravated partly
by inadequate negligible compensation and partly by the failure of existing policies and programmes
to rehabilitate them adequately, economically and socially.'' Apart from this, most of the villages
affected by land acquisition are suffering from inadequate or near absence of basic minimum needs,
the rapid felling of trees, disappearance of greenery, destruction of village forests, indiscriminate
disposal of solid and semi-solid wastes by industries in and around affected villages are leading to
serious health hazards for the people. "There has been nearly no rehabilitation worth the name of the
land losers' families", laments the HPC (High Powered Commission)
Original Research Article
May 25, 2015
Sima Joneydi & Dr. Lalita Vartak
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902348
The purpose of this research was to study the counseling services, given to high schools’
students from teachers’ viewpoints as one of the main stakeholders of the services. Participants were
110 teachers. A researcher-designed survey questionnaire based on three main domains counseling
services including Educational, personal-social and vocational in high schools, and some necessary
demographic and primary information included Teacher’s attitude towards counselor, guidance and
counseling services, was used for data analysis. SPSS was used to code and analysis the collected
data, producing descriptive statistics included frequency, mean, standard deviation and correlation:
and also producing inferential statistic included one sample t-Test. Results showed that teachers
have positive attitude towards the services in general and in two main domains( personal-social and
vocational) but their viewpoints towards the services in educational domain are negative. 85% of
participations emphasized on the necessity of counseling and guidance program in all three main
domains of guidance and counseling services.
Original Research Article
May 29, 2015
A Study Of The Perception Of College Students With Reference To The Use Of E–Banking Technologies
Anson L Albuquerque & Dr.Anthony Rodrigues
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902366
This study attempts to explore the new sources regarding Internet Banking and usage of
Internet Banking Services. As we are all aware that college going students are all usually computer
savy and using latest technological devices like mobile phones, laptops, tablets etc. as their way of life.
This study assesses the perception of the college students with reference to the use of E-Banking
Technologies in Banks. The survey was conducted during the month of November, 2014 among the
students pursing B.com. An analysis demonstrates that college students play a very important role in
the use of E-Banking Technologies in Banks in the near future if the banks take adequate measures to
promote the same among the students.
Original Research Article
May 28, 2015
Proximity Marketing: “A New Technology For Marketers To Attract And Retain Customers
Rajashri Kadam & Vikas Kumar Jain
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902380
This is the conceptual paper focusing on the Proximity marketing or Bluetooth marketing.
“Proximity marketing is a type of mobile marketing that connect businesses to their customers in
specific locations. The context specificity allows advertisers to send targeted and personalized mobileadvertisements
to consumers on the move, hence an alternative term, location based commerce.’’
The objective of the study is to understand the scope and future of proximity marketing in
Indian Retail industry (especially malls in metro cities). Secondary data is used from various
journals, news papers and from internet. Very less literature is available in context with India as this
technology is implemented in only few select malls. Researcher has thrown some light on technology
involved in Proximity marketing, advantages and limitations. Researcher has tried to explain the use
of this technology to attract and retain the customers, use of this technology as innovative tool to
retailer and scope of it in emerging market like India where Smartphone users are increasing
Original Research Article
May 27, 2015
Relative Economics And Balanced Life
Dr. Anil Kumar Upadhyaya
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902464
The conceptualization of pleasure is a difficult effort. Recently, a large number of experimental
studies provide a base for the analysis of subjective well-being via questionnaires. Beside these positive
studies focusing on self-reported happiness, however, there are also normative studies
as to what one should expect to make people really happy. The question on the
determinants of happiness is probably one of the oldest questions of mankind, as
can be seen from the answers that are provided e.g. by religion and philosophy.
Now-a-days, there are also answers from psychology, namely positive psychology.
In this subject, formalization and quantification is a good attempted using basic
relative economic analysis. The objective of this procedure is to clarify the
implications of the concept by taking into account that people face constraints
when trying to make their lives more comfortable. The most fundamental
constraint is the time that is available. Therefore, we introduce a time constraint for
people pursuing their different goals in his life.
Original Research Article
May 29, 2015
A Study Of The Organizational Climate Of Colleges Of Education In Relation To The Attitude Of Teacher-Educators Towards Teaching Profession
Mrs. Masarrat Saheb Ali & Dr. Sunita Magre
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6902486
Effective and productive learning can be achieved only by teachers with desirable attitudes.
Teachers’ job performance is the way in which a teacher behaves in the process of teaching and it is known
to be related to teachers’ effectiveness. It is said that good performance of students depends upon effective
teaching of their teachers. Thus, it is important to examine the factor that could enhance teachers’ job
performance. The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of organizational climate on
Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching Profession. The Organizational Climate of any work place plays a very
important role in various aspects of its employees i.e. their performance, attitude and the quality of product
they produce. Teachers’ belief, views and their attitudes affect their teaching and behaviour with the students.
The teachers thinking , their job satisfaction and their expectation from the job all such things affect their
work. We know that the future of the students is in the hand of the teachers. Then we must know about the
teachers who impart education and mould our future generation. So here the investigator tried to know
attitude of the teacher-educators towards teaching profession. The quality of education depends on many
factors. The present study attempted to study such two factors i.e. Organizational Climate of colleges of
education and the Attitude of Teacher-Educators towards Teaching Profession. It was found that if the
Organizational Climate is favourable, teacher educators attribute higher attitude towards teaching
Original Research Article
May 26, 2015
Scientific Approach To Teaching History- Concept Based Teaching
Dr. Anil T. Thosare
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903186
History is the most universal of the humanities which encompasses every sphere of life.
Since the evolution of the human life, it has dealt with social, cultural, economical, political and
moral or ethical aspects of his life. It is not merely a body of facts to be learned, but is a series of
arguments & points of view to be debated on order to correct past mistake & enhance the quality
of present. The study of the ideas, attitudes and actions of people in the past helps to sharpen a
person‟s own sense of values. It offers moral lesson to the human kind to live peacefully in the
society. It also helps to cultivate a more tolerant global outlook. It is not just politics & wars but
encompasses virtually all aspects of human activity & behaviour. The arts & sciences,
technology & economics, ideology & social attitudes are all part of history. Hence history
undoubtedly is considered as the mother of all subjects. Every discipline has its root hidden in
History. All these together make history an independent discipline worth studying. As a result,
history has been given its due place as one of the core subjects in the school curriculum.
Original Research Article
May 24, 2015
The Contribution Of Buddhist Culture On Indian Society
Dr. Manish Meshram
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903246
The word culture has extensive application in its sense. Culture so far as India is concerned, is
composite. Buddhism which moulded the Indian thoughts for several centuries contributed largely to
Indian culture in its various aspects. The contribution which Buddhism made to the cultural
advancement of India is indeed notable. The part played by the viharas (monasteries) and sangha
(order) was unique in this regard; in this paper an attempt has been made to describe some of its
important aspects, such as, culture, social ideals and political, educational system, language,
literature and artistic development based on the aesthetic ideals acquired by the people of ancient
Original Research Article
May 27, 2015
Stress Management-A Magic Mantra For A Healthier Life
Geetanjali Arora
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903278
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”-Dr. Seuss
Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale. It brings along a series of natural and
spontaneous changes. But many of us spoil its charm by insisting on making things difficult.
Instead of coping up with these changes, we start feeling the stress to accept and adopt these
changes thereby making stress an unavoidable part of life. We all can visualize its threat in
day to day life, workplace, in relationships making life all the more miserable. So, this has
made this research all the more important through which effort has been made to find the
reasons and ways to cope up with stress.
Original Research Article
May 28, 2015
Protozoan Parasites And Haematology Of Some Fishes In Terai Region Of Uttarakhand
Jyoti Chauhan & Dr. S.N. Rao
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903298
Fishes are the earliest known vertebrates and flourishes during the Devonian period about 400
million years ago.Fish occupies an important place in an average Indian diet because of its
unique qualities. It plays an important role in overcoming the protein-calorie malnutrition which
is being faced by the developing countries like. India where about 60% of the population is
suffering from protein deficiency. Besides, Fishes also have a rich amount of vitamins mainly A
and D which are essential components of a balance diet. The inclusion of fishes in a poor man’s
diet is increasing day by day as now it has been established to be the cheapest source of protein
for them but on The other hand, their production is hampered because of various environmental
pollution hazards. Economically fishes constitute a very important group of animals and provide
a rich source of food, liver oil and a number of other by- product like fish meal, fish manure is in
glass etc.
Original Research Article
May 27, 2015
Impact Of It On HRM
Kavleen Bharej
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903306
In this era of information, technology has changed the world of businesses many times over.
The advent of information technology, computers and internet has increased the impact significantly.
IT capabilities have spread its wings in various fields of organisation, HRM is one of them. Human
resource management is one of the crucial aspects of an organisation, and its practices such as
clearly definition of jobs, participation of employees, formal training and development have given rise
to the impact of IT in this segment. This paper highlights the developments in the field of HRM with
the advent of IT. It also studies the moderate effect of the source of IT capabilities both external and
internal on the relationship between the rate of usage of IT and HRM practices
Original Research Article
May 29, 2015
Technophobia Of Teachers Towards Web Based Teaching And Experience Learning
Kuldeep & Sandeep Kaur
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903320
In the 21st century, competencies in education are seen more in line with Web based
teaching. And it is evident that web based teaching have the potential to enhance access, quality and
effectiveness in education and to enable the development of more and better teachers in India. Only a
creative and enthusiastic teacher can incorporate the modern development of Web based teaching in
the classroom very successfully. When teacher lack the necessary confidence to integrate a
technology into their lessons, they tend to ignore it. Access to resources, quality of software and
hardware ease of use incentives to change support collegiality in the school and commitment to
professional learning are among other factors influencing teacher’s decision to use new technologies
in the classroom. Many factors contribute to the attitude and skill of using technology in the
classroom by teachers in education. One important factor is technophobia where teachers show fear
of or revulsion to modern technology. The main cause of technophobia is ignorance. The people who
shun technology are generally the people who don’t understand it.
Original Research Article
May 27, 2015
Prof. Suchitra Sharad Tajane
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903326
आस्ततक नास्ततक दळशनाांभध्मे फौद्द दळशन शे नास्ततक दळशन म्शणून
ओऱखरे जाते. नास्ततक अथाशत जे लेदप्राभाण्म ल ईश्लय भानत नाशी . फौद्द धभश
दळशन प्रभुखत्ले तीन लादाांलय आधायरेरे आशे.
Original Research Article
May 29, 2015
Manju Rani & Vinod Kumar Bhardwaj
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6903349
The present study was conducted on Utility of Somatic Inkblot Series-II in Assessing Body Dysphoria in Young Adults. A sample of 200 young adults varying by gender (100 Male And 100 Female), individually, following standard procedures (Cassell, 1980), were administered the somatic inkblot series to ascertain projective assessed aspects of body image in adulthood. Descriptive statistic (mean, standard deviation) and t- ratios were computed to compare the two groups’ in terms of significance of mean differences which are reported in table. There are significant differences in the PG male students and PG female students with regard to some SIS-II precepts.