Original Research Article
Nov. 27, 2012
Fostering Inclusive Education In Teacher Education: Problems And Prospects In Implementing Inclusive Education In Indian Scenario
Dr. Shazli Hasan Khan
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866426
India is the fourth largest economy of the world in terms of purchasing power. Despite this improvement, more than 460 million people in India live in abject poverty. The reciprocity of poverty producing disability, and disability resulting in poverty has created new challenges for the implementation of inclusive education in India. The Constitution of India ensures equality, freedom, justice and dignity of all individuals and implicitly mandates an inclusive society for all including persons with disabilities. In the recent years, there have been vast and positive changes in the perception of the society towards persons with disabilities. It has been realized that a majority of children with disabilities can lead better quality of life if they have an equal opportunities and effective access to rehabilitation
Original Research Article
Nov. 22, 2012
A Study of Attitude of The School Teachers towards Inclusive Education
Smt Archana V Katgeri
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866464
Inclusionary practices in the school system mean that more and more teachers are being involved in the teaching of children with a variety of disabilities in the regular classroom. Evidence supports the fact that early placement in an inclusive setting, with an individualized programme, will be beneficial to a child providing that adequate resources and qualified personnel are available. Perhaps the most critical factors for successful inclusion are the attitude of the teacher, the learning environment including resources, and peer acceptance which is partly dependent upon teacher attitude. The role that attitudes of non disabled persons play in the lives of people with disabilities is an important area to understand because negative attitudes might limit the integration of disabled people in the community. Therefore, the purpose of my research study is to examine the attitude of teachers in regular schools handling non-disabled children
Original Research Article
Nov. 27, 2012
Book Review :The Aims Of Education & Other Essays
Alfred North Whitehead
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866503
This book contains ten addresses or papers delivered by Alfred North Whitehead at different times between 1912 and 1928. The general theme of this book is “education on its intellectual side”. These ten addresses are – The aims of education (14pp.), The rhythm of education (13pp.), The rhythmic claims of freedom and discipline (14pp.), Technical education and its relation to science & literature (18pp.), The place of classics in education (16pp.), The mathematical curriculum (14pp.), Universities and their function (12pp.), The organization of thought (18pp.), The anatomy of some scientific ideas (34pp.) and Space, time & relativity (10pp.).
Original Research Article
Nov. 29, 2012
A Factor Analytical Study Of Temperament, Character, Emotional Intelligence And Need Achievement Of Commerce Faculty
Dr. (Mrs.) Anjum Ahmed
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866555
The main objective of the study is to find out the common factors that account for the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Need Achievement, Temperament and Character. A sample of 69 post graduate students was randomly selected from the commerce faculty in Aligarh Muslim University. Three different research instruments were used to measure the variables: Emotional intelligence Scale (EIS) by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe and Upinder Dhar, The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) by Cloninger et. al. and Achievement Motivation Test (n-Ach scale) by Pratibha Deo and Asha Mohan. The analysis was done by SPSS in two steps: Computation of Inter-correlations among the variables and Factor analysis of the sub dimensions of all the four variables. Six (6) Factors emerged in the factor analysis namely: Emotional Intelligence with High Need Achievement, Reflective and Persistent Personality, Self Actualization Orientation, Lively and Conscientious Personality, Bold and Enthusiastic Personality and Motivated for Self development with Self Centered Attitude. The factors in detail are discussed in the paper.
Original Research Article
Nov. 24, 2010
Efficacy Of Meta Cognitive Orientation And Attention Activation Strategies On Developing Writing Competence
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866577
The researcher investigated the use of metacognitive strategy and attention activating strategies on developing writing comprehension over a four-week period with 30 fifth grade students. It is a quasi-experimental pre-test - post-test research study. Metacognitive strategies and attention activation strategies were incorporated in classroom teaching on developing writing comprehension. The results indicated that there is an increase of ninety-one percentage variance in the post-test scores of the experimental group students in writing comprehension.
Original Research Article
Nov. 26, 2012
The Need Of Computer Assisted Instruction In B.Ed. & M.Ed. Course
Ms. Abhilasha Tiwari Prof. Asha Joshi
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866589
The teacher is the builder of nation. He develops the leader, scientist, engineers, doctors and various other responsible officer of new generation in his classroom. So it is necessary for him to know new technology & adopt it for effective teaching CAI is one of the chief technologies which can be used for effective teaching. Computer Assisted instruction is very useful for the students of B.Ed. & M.Ed. courses. It helps our pupil teacher’s to motivate the learner.CAI can successfully use to teach social skills to teens enrolled in a behavior modification program, Helpful in improving academic performance of pupil teachers. It is effective in science classroom settings. CAI technique is one of the art of teaching to have a psychological effect to get better achievements in academic field.CAI is to be effective; educators should match the CAI type to the intended learning goals. Tutorial CAI should be used for teaching basic concepts and simulation CAI would be better suited to teaching the application of concepts. CAI is effective in improving performance in writing expressions for division word problems, increasing awareness of a tendency to divide by the smaller number, and helping teachers explicitly recognize and correct their misconception about the relative size of the dividend and the divisor. Student’s7 pupil teacher both become self-confident, joyful and the subject became more meaningful with CAI. It is a tool that can help students view learning as a constructive process and use simulations to draw students' attention
Original Research Article
Nov. 29, 2012
A Study On The Role Of Knowledge Acquisition In A Learning Organization With Reference To Environmental Scanning
Prof. Abhijit Khasnis
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866607
The basic objective of knowledge acquisition is to develop a calculated knowledge base that may use in the organization when it is loaded in a knowledge based system. For this it involves a data collection activity, which has a base of informal knowledge from a variety of sources. The architecture of knowledge acquisition is based upon the integration of existing methodologies, techniques and tools developed within the organization. For any organization acquisition of knowledge is the most important and crucial thing to gain success in today’s world. However, for a new or learning organization gaining such knowledge is very important for their success. There are ample ways of knowledge acquisition. However, one more way of knowledge acquisition is through environmental scanning. Environmental scanning means gathering the information from external sources. The paper proposes a model which will focus on environmental scanning. This is a primary way of enhancing the knowledge of the entrepreneur. The model that we are going to define will examine the information gathered from the external sources, how the information is interpreted and what does an organization learn from that. We are also going to discuss about the implications of for entrepreneurship education and implications for practicing entrepreneurs.
Original Research Article
Nov. 26, 2012
Homosexuality In E. M. Forster’s Maurice
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866630
The present paper is an attempt to explore the homosexuality in E. M. Forster‟s posthumously published novel, Maurice (1971). He is a prolific author of Edwardian literary tradition, who has penned several essays, critical reviews, various significant biographies and short stories. Forster‟s novels reflect a broad vision of human experiences, which not only enriches the Edwardian literary tradition, but it also adds a significant milestone in the tradition of world literature. His literary creations, though they articulate the various socio-cultural problems, Forster is conscious about the equilibrium of the didacticism and the entertainment value. As a result, his novels are popular even in the modern period and have become a subject of film adaptation.
Original Research Article
Nov. 29, 2012
Peace Education: Global and Indian Context
Dr.Vikas Mane
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866644
Peace in the mind does not suffice. It is in the action. Actions include co-ordination and complementation between the socio-economic and educational diversity between the communities of the country. The differentiation in the educational fibre of the country is the indicator of peace-levels in the country. Peace is challenged by the race, caste, creed, class and dignity of man. Convergence of educational streams of the social mind and the skill-technology may help bridge the negative social and gender divide in the country. Globalization since the post-liberalization era presents a different challenge to the Indian culture and education system. It is not internationalization, and is seeking markets and in the process enculturating consumerism and this worldliness. This is contradictory to our ancient culture of ‘samaadhan’ and other-worldliness. So globalization presents a huge challenge to our education system. We are bound to change our education system for balanced growth, justice to socio-economic diversity and ultimate prevalence of all-round peace. So to pursue peace for our society we have to reconstruct our educational curriculum from the primary level to the higher and professional level. We have to come up with a learning which finds co-ordination between the minds and the limbs. Which also enriches outcomes by complementation between the brain and the hands.
An enriched holistic learning supplanted by enculturation of respect for socio-cultural diversity, upholding human dignity, gender parity, respect for living beings and ultimate agenda of sustainable development will lead to a peace education which will hold itself in times of globalization and turbulence.
Peace-education will essentially be driven by tolerance, growth-parity, sustainable development and all this on the basic platform of inter-disciplinarily.
Original Research Article
Nov. 26, 2012
The Journey Of Protagonist In The Longest Journey
Dr. Anil S. Sugate Prof. Ashwini A. Sugate
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866652
The Longest Journey is E. M. Forster’s second novel published in 1907. The novel in it’s a bildungsroman scope traces the development of the protagonist, Rickie Elliot, who has just entered Cambridge. The novel is more about what it is like to go to Cambridge and about the inner conflicts of an emerging artist. Forster has also made this novel thematically rich and relevant by cross-weaving the themes of morality, journey, people and money. Further, the novel resonates with a series of man-woman relationships, theme of heredity, Cambridge motif and the ambiguities of human relations. It is also possible to read The Longest Journey as a record of Forster’s views on reality, art, man-woman relationship and sexuality.
Original Research Article
Nov. 30, 2012
E-Learning: The Tool For Women Empowerment
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866668
The magnetism of the Internet has changed the way we think, act, do business and in
recent times even the way we educate ourselves. Today the world has recognized the
enormous potential of Internet in almost every field of life.
Internet has become a revolutionary word in the field of education. It is one of the
most significant tools in educational technology. E-learning today is the latest catchphrase of
the education industry. With Internet as a medium, today‟s learning and training is not
confined to mere classroom sessions. What Web-based Learning offers is a „global
classroom‟ where in knowledge can be shared across geographical, cultural and
psychological boundaries. E-learning can be simply described as learning and training
available through Internet or World-Wide-Web or Web-Enabled-Learning. It also includes
the education provided through CDs as well. It is expected that, the learning will be highly
enhanced and enriched to a large extent by this tool. Effective, reliable and low cost
communication system, from almost all parts of India, has opened up new innovative
alternative avenues for the education through not only to Conventional Education System but
also to the Open and Distance Education System.
This paper highlights on E-learning, Objectives, Recent technology, Interactive tools,
Pros and cons of online learning, Internet scenario in India, E-learning and women
empowerment. It mainly stress on the need for E-learning and how it acts as a tool for their
Original Research Article
Nov. 27, 2012
ICT: An Indispensable Approach For Qualitative Improvement In Teacher Education
Dr. Satvinderpal Kaur
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866678
Modern world is a world of technological revolution. As every revolution reflects each aspect
of human life and affects it immensely, it is needless to say that education has also been influenced by
these technological advances. In today’s world, the transmission of information and explosion of
knowledge is very fast. In the new millennium ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has
emerged as the driving force which has affected every sphere of human life. The paradigm will be
shifted to advanced technology information society, industrial society, long term planning, creative
learning and decentralization from traditional educational system. Hence it is very urgent to take
immediate steps to make the education more useful and relevant. Present paper using theoretical data
empirically analyses the use of ICT in education particularly in teacher education sphere.