Original Research Article
July 30, 2012
Andragogy: Concept, Essence And Practice
Dr.Chandrakant Borse
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865865
In India adult education has been one of the chief concerns of the Government. Within the field of adult education, there has emerged a process of professionalization, and it has taken the form of a new discipline, „andragogy‟. This article describes all the necessary details about it. It discusses its etymology, meaning, varieties, sub disciplines and the cycle or the model utilized by its Fractions. The theoretical background is useful for considering its significance in third world where there are large masses of adult illiterates.
Original Research Article
July 27, 2012
Dr.M.N.Meeranaik & Dr.G.P.Patankar
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865881
Water is our most precious natural resource and something that most of us take for granted. We are now increasingly becoming aware of the importance of water to our survival and its limited supply. The human beings require water for various purposes. The most part of the earth surface i.e. about 71 % is covered by water. Out of total volume of water available on the surface of the earth 97 % is saline water, 2 % water is in the form of ice and glaciers and only 1 % is fresh and potable water. Out of total rainfall in India, runoff is about 85 %,percolation is about 7%, evaporation is about 5% and human use is about is about 3%. The problem of water shortage in arid and semi-arid regions is one due to low rainfall and uneven distribution throughout the season, which makes rain fed agriculture a risky enterprise. Rain water harvesting for dry-land agriculture is a traditional water management technology to ease future water scarcity in many arid and semi-arid regions of world. The water harvesting methods applied strongly depend on local conditions and include such widely differing practices as bunding, pitting, micro catchments water harvesting, flood water and ground water harvesting. The paper discusses the use of water harvesting as an effective tool for water management and outlines what need to be done.
Original Research Article
July 27, 2012
Dr. Sujata Gokhale
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865903
In the on-going discourse on development and the search for a suitable model for sustainable development, the problems relating to displacement and rehabilitation have acquired crucial significance. Though a vast amount of literature is available on the concept of development and its benefits, there is a striking paucity of adequate and reliable of data on the problems created by it, especially displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation. Against this background, the present article deals with the trends of research findings drawn on the basis of review of trends of relevant literature on dams, displacement resettlement and rehabilitations.
Original Research Article
July 28, 2012
Education And Social Change CS And Education
Meenakshi Shankar Mhetre
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865919
It is the process of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one. It is a part of a wider modernization process, where social change and economic development are closely related with technological innovation, particularly with the development of large-scale energy and metallurgy production. It is the extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing
Original Research Article
July 24, 2012
Authentication System For Banking Using Implicit Password
Ms. Prajakta.D. Kulkarni
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865933
In this paper, we introduce an Authorization Scheme by using implicit password. As we know graphical password scheme suffered from shoulder-surfing and screen dump attacks. As we know for any security is the first line of defence against compromising confidentiality and integrity. Simply the username and password schemes are easy to implement. But that traditional scheme has been subjected to several attacks. Token and biometric based authorization systems were introduced for alternative to traditional scheme. However, they have not improved substantially to justify the investment.
Original Research Article
July 29, 2012
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865960
B.Ed. is professional course catering mainly to the needs of prospective secondary teachers. In the view of modern development and trends in teacher education U.G.C. has taken decision to introduce the semester and choice based credit system in all central, state and deemed universities under the eleventh five year plan. Many universities already started semester based credit point system. To implement semester based credit point system, the scheme of organization of courses and practical work of B.Ed. programme need revision.
Original Research Article
July 25, 2012
Identification Of Defects In Textiles Based On Statistical Analysis Of DCT Coefficients Of Textile Images
Rishav Dewan & Monika Aggarwal
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6865985
This paper presents a novel approach to the fast detection and extraction of fabric defects from the images of textile fabric based on statistical analysis of the dct coefficients of the textile pattern images. Most defects arising in the production process of a textile material are still detected by human inspection. The work of inspectors is very tedious and time consuming. They have to detect small details that can be located in a wide area that is moving through their visual field. The identification rate is about 70%. In addition, the effectiveness of visual inspection decreases quickly with fatigue. However, the inspection process could be automated with machine vision techniques supported by defect identification algorithm. An image processing based machine vision system for visual inspection of fabric quality determination is proposed in the p[resented thesis work.
Original Research Article
July 26, 2012
Relationship Between Teacher Effectiveness And Job Satisfaction, Adjustment And Attitude
Dr. Jyotsna Saxena
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866011
The Secondary Education Commission (1952-53) said " The most important factor in the contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacher – his personal qualities, his educational qualifications, his professional training and the place that he occupies in school as well as in the community" .Nobody can deny the fact that the role of the teacher is crucial in any teaching learning situation at any level of education. It is the teacher who controls and guides the learning of his students and finally evaluates the outcomes of teaching. He may not decide the goals of education but he is the one who is responsible for the accomplishment of these goals. Attitude of teachers towards teaching play a vital role in their development. Teacher favourable attitude towards teaching are likely to promote creative potentiality of students.
Original Research Article
July 28, 2012
Comparative Study On Traditional And Improved Method Of Weeding
Khogare D.T. & Sunita Borkar
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866058
In agriculture most of the weeding activities are done by tradition methods. Traditional method of Weeding takes longer time for weeding. Now a day’s different types of weeders are developed in India. These weeders are helpful for weeding in agriculture. Weeding by manually operated weeder increase the efficiency of workers and productivity of work. Hence present investigation was undertaken with an objective to compare field performance of developed weeder with hand weeding (khurpi). Present investigation was undertaken in Dept. of Home Science, R.T.M.N.U.Nagpur, and Maharashtra state during the year 2010-2011. For this investigation farmers and farm workers are selected randomly from Nagpur district. The investigation was undertaken in the field of cotton, soyabean and groundnut crops. The test conditions such as soil moisture content, soil type, bulk density of soil, root zone depth of weed, density of weed, effective field capacity etc. were taken into consideration. Speed of travel in km/h was calculated by using a stop watch. Present investigation concludes that developed manually operated weeder increase field performance for weeding activity and decrease the plant damage. Weeding by manually operated weeder increase their efficiency, work output and reduces the drudgery while performing weeding activity. Most of the workers are not occurs musculoskeletal problem by developed manually operated weeder due to that most of the workers are satisfied about developed manually operated weeder. Most of the workers are occurs musculoskeletal problem by traditional method of weeding due to bad posture used for weeding. The weeding index of the treatments varied significant at 1% level of significance whereas the replications were found to be non-significant.
Original Research Article
July 26, 2012
E-Learning As Learning Resources
Miss Kaninde Sambodhi Vitthalrao & Miss Bhosale Prerana Tukaram
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866150
E-learning is just one of the many terms which are used in literature and business about e-learning. E-learning is defined by many people, in many ways, and as it is most important to gain a clear understanding of what e-learning is, we present some definitions and related terminology of the e-learning world.
E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. The term will still most likely be utilized to reference out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum.
Original Research Article
July 29, 2012
Image of Indian National Leaders in Chaman Nahal’s ‘The Gandhi Quartet’
P.M. Patil
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866160
This article modestly attempts to project the image of the Indian national leaders as depicted by Chman Nahal, modern Indian English novelist, in his significant work The Gandhi Quartet, a landmark in the annals of Indian English fiction and historical work. His fictional work mainly deals with India‟s freedom movement and its socio-political consequences. On the whole, it appears that he looks towards the history of Indian freedom movement with liberal attitude which reflected through some his ideas about the Indians and British. The fictional characters created by him intermingle with the real historical figures like Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Bose and Jinnah. In general, Nahal is historically objective. He is not the Indian national leader. Though he appears to revere Gandhiji, it does not prevent him from showing his weaknesses. He has also shown the failure of leaders at the time of partition including Gandhi. He also tries to expose the conspiracy of the Indian politicians and their intentions behind the partition.
Original Research Article
July 30, 2012
A Study Of Interpersonal And Intrapersonal Intelligence In D.T.Ed.Colleges At Latur City
Pramod Prakashrao Tandale & Dr.Kulkarni N.H
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866176
The development of teacher training is depending on the policy of education and the implication of that policy. According to the U.S. department of Education, “Research confirms those teachers are the single most important factor in raising student achievement.” Teacher is going to prepare a student, a citizen who built country. A variety of training programs are organized for the development of teacher’s ability. The professional development of teacher is two types i.e. pre-service and In-service training which are organized by various institutions. The prime objectives of pre service training (in this study .D.T.Ed.is pre service training) to prepare educators for tomorrow.To developing the teacher education we must think new theories of learning, teaching and the new horizons in education.
Original Research Article
July 28, 2012
Evaluation Of Manually Operated Weeder With Reference To Field Performance
Khogare D.T. & Sunita Borkar
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866195
For increase the productivity per unit area of small land holdings and considering the economic condition of Indian farmers, it is quite necessary to have suitable agricultural implements which farmers can use and also allow them to use for custom hiring. Weeding is an important agricultural unit operation. Present investigation was indertaken with an objective to evaluate different field performance of developed weeder. Present investigation was undertaken in Nagpur , Maharashtra state during the year 2010-2011. For this investigation farmers and farm workers are selected randomly from Nagpur district. The field performance of the developed weeder was evaluated in the field of cotton, soyabean and groundnut crops. The test conditions such as soil moisture content, soil type, bulk density of soil, root zone depth of weed, density of weed, etc. were taken into consideration. Speed of travel in km/h was calculated by using a stop watch. Present investigation conclude that the mean value of effective field capacity is higher in cotton crop than groundnut and soybean crops. Weeding by developed manually operated weeder increase the weeding index, effective field capacity, theoretical field capacity and field efficiency respectively while decrease the plant damage.
Original Research Article
July 28, 2012
Techniques Of Content Organization For A Good Lecture
Dr. V.P. Nikam
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866207
Lecture is probably the oldest teaching method and still the method is widely used in Indian colleges and universities. Effective lecture combine the talents of a scholar , writer , producer and teacher in ways that contribute to student learning.
The use of lecturing depends upon the subject matter, the teaching philosophy of the instructor and the overall learning situation. Appropriate lectures can build structures and expectations that help students read material in the given subject matter area more effectively.
Original Research Article
July 30, 2012
Role of Lis Professionals in Today's Digital Era
Dr. Madansing Golwal,Datta Kalbande And Dr.Subhash Chavan
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866228
We are living in the information age. Information is the basic requirement for every human activity and it is important as food, air and water. Information in itself has no value, but its value lies in its communication and use. . Information is the life blood of democracy and it is considered as the vital sources of power. Library & Information Science [LIS] professionals need to play an important role in the education process by making people aware of a need and motivating the use of information a new knowledge and a new ability. The paper discussed the concept of Digital Library, the role of LIS professionals and changing face of traditional library to digital libraries.
Original Research Article
July 26, 2012
A Study Of Innovations Issues And Problems Of Teacher Education In Solapur
Shri.Gajendra Tukaram Jamadar
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866245
The objectives of the study were: (1) To evaluate the present method and procedure of admission in the teacher’s training institutions in solapur. (2) To determine whether the present curriculum of teacher education is relevant to the new roles and responsibilities of teachers or not. (3) To find out whether the various functional aspects of training are covered and the duration of the training is sufficient or not. (4) To find out whether the teachers training colleges in Solapur are practicing innovative methods for better learning and higher achievement or not and to evaluate the effectiveness of these innovations. (5) To find out the physical facilities available in training institutions and also their suitability for the program. (6) To throw light on the process of recruitment of teacher educators, their minimum qualifications and their relevance for the work they do. (7) To find out the level of interaction between the teacher education programs and community participation. (8) To ascertain the type and level of research training in training colleges. (9) To find out the relationship between pre-service and in-service teacher education in the solapur.
Original Research Article
July 23, 2012
Study The Problem Of B. Ed. Student In Acquiring The Skill Of Examples And Illustrations During Micro-Teaching
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866270
In the B.Ed field microteaching is a very important step for the student teacher for acquiring the teaching skill. In microteaching teacher first conduct the demonstration lesson of the various skill then student teacher prepare a lesson note according to that particular teaching skill. After checking the lesson note by their Teacher Educator he perform that particular skill in front of limited group with the supervision of his co- student teacher and teacher educator.
Original Research Article
July 24, 2012
A Study Of Problems In Teaching Of Civics At Secondary Level
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866307
The subject of Civics is taught at secondary level in the title of Social science in Maharashtra. Social science includes History, Civics, Geography. It is found that teaching of Civics at secondary level is not easy as other school subjects. Though Civics is the subject of daily affairs, teacher and learner should have some of facilities. This study was an effort to make aware about present situation regarding with learning and teaching of Civics at secondary level.
Original Research Article
July 24, 2012
The Theme Of Loneliness In Tara Moss’s Hit
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866321
Loneliness is an old grouse, but it became powerful in the modern and post modern period. Literary writers of the age have focused on the theme of loneliness in a number of their works. Tara Moss is also no exception for the same. The feelings of abandonment, rejection, depression, insecurity, anxiety, hopelessness, unworthiness, meaninglessness, resentment etc. are the causes of loneliness. This paper attempts to focus on the theme of loneliness in Tara Moss’s Hit.
Original Research Article
July 30, 2012
Yoga And Quality Of Life
Dr. Babaso Nivrutti Ulape
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6866359
Throughout the ages, the practice of Yoga has evolved. We all are living in such a state that life has become so fast, eventful and with lots of stress. We are running behind materialistic world on endless path, meanwhile our journey takes some curves where physical as well as mental pressure reach to such a level where we need a genuine pause of calmness. The body goes beyond the limits of saturation and fails to perform further. Here, Yoga is the answer. In ancient times, to practice it was to reach a state of higher consciousness, which not everyone was able to achieve; but today, however it is practiced universally.
Original Research Article
July 28, 2012
San 1990 ke bad mahila lekhan me vyakt dalit sangharsha ki abhivyakti
Dr. R.P. Bhosale
DOI : 10.5281/amierj.6870601
Aadhunik hindi sahitya me ramnika guptaji ka agranya sthan hai. vah dalit sahitya hai. vah hindi sahitya ki yaisi anuthi uplabdhi hai jo swayam dalit n hokar dalit yevam dalit sahitya ko samajane ki antardushti rakhati hai.